Comic News, Film News

Who Is The Brainiac In Justice Leauge? Well, Maybe Brainiac.


Devin over at  has an interesting behind the scenes look at the tumultuous state of affairs in regards to the sequel to Man of Steel and the upcoming Justice League. According his sources, Brainiac will be the villain for the DC superhero team up. What is interesting to note is that sources told him and El Mayimbe from that Brainiac was the original chosen villain for the sequel to Man of Steel, which, much like Pacific Rim 2, is now put on indefinite hold:

It was [Man Of Steel’s] underperformance that led Warner Bros to scrap sequel plans and instead shove Batman into the next Superman movie, giving us Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice* rather than Man of Steel 2. Rumors have been flying – rumors I have heard as well – that Superman’s solo movies are essentially dead, that WB doesn’t want to give the Big Boy Scout another movie until they have established the entire DC Movieverse.

According to Mayimbe the sequel [to Man of Steel] would see Brainiac arriving on Earth, looking not for Superman but his cousin, Kara Zor-El, Supergirl. She was actually set up in a prequel comic that DC released that we were told was canon; in it Kara was a member of the Kryptonian ‘Explorer’s Guild,’ who had been tasked with terraforming worlds. That means she might have been out in space when the cataclysm befell Krypton.

According to HH Man of Steel 2 was always going to be a split-hero affair, but in this case it was going to spend a lot of time on Supergirl. She would get about half the screen time, and over the course of the film Brainiac would create Bizarro to hunt her down. That means Man of Steel 2 would have Supergirl, Brainiac and Bizarro – quite the Silver Age line-up. Whose neck would get snapped this time?

I trust El Mayimbe’s sources, but I suspect that a lot of this stuff is scrapped now, especially as every whisper I hear about Justice League contains the word ‘Brainiac.’ I suspect elements of this story were cannibalized for the eventual team-up as well as BvS, whose main physical threat is, I believe, a cross between traditional Bizarro and another well-known Superman villain**

Interesante how Warner Bros just ditched Superman in favor of more Batman focused film in Batman Vs. Superman: Screw You Kal El (not actual title). It seems that Warner Bros really have no clue how to make an honest good Superman film. What a pity.

Comic News, Film News

Batman Pushing Aside Superman?


There are whispers and hints which have been circulating for quite some time regarding the focus of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (actual title). Will the time be spread equally between Supes and Bats? Or will one character have more attention? While not a direct sequel to Man of Steel, Warner Bros had assured us in the past that Supeman would get as much focus as Batman (even though Bats got top billing). In fact, there have been statements that the movie directly ties with Man of Steel and will handle its consequences, implying a Superman heavy narrative. However, things may have changed.

Heroic Hollywood  has an interesting scoop, stating that their sources are hinting that Warner Bros want more Batman in the film because of how great Ben Affleck is portraying the costumed vigilante:

“The latest hot rumor I am hearing is that Warners is requesting more Batman be put into the movie and less Superman.  Supposedly, Ben Affleck’s Batman is so good that he is blowing Henry Cavill’s Superman right off the screen.

Like it or not, Batman has become the crown jewel of the DC Universe. Look at what is going in the video-game space with the Arkham series, or the fast-tracked Batman Lego movie spin off.  Let alone the upcoming Suicide Squad is all Batman villains/characters. It is apparent how much more valuable the Dark Knight currently is than Superman.

With Ben Affleck riding high off of Argo and Gone Girl, he is one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. So it only makes sense Warners would want more of the potent combination of him and the Batman.”

What is interesting (and confirms this focusing shift on Bats) is the fact that Warner Bros has already announced the next few Batman films with Affleck directing and starring, but is still dragging their feet with the Man of Steel sequel, which still does not have a director, a screen writer, or a solid release date. In fact, it is put on definite hold, if rumors are to be believed. This bodes poorly for Henry Cavill’s Superman, who had potential but is now looking to be a side character in his own follow up movie. Warner Bros seems to have no clue in how to handle Superman. It is as if they are ashamed of his comic book roots, re-configuring him into a dark and grim character, which goes against his usual hopeful and idealistic demeanor. If this rumor is true, then it is a shame because Supeman is an amazing character. He just needs a competent creative team.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice drops in theaters on March 25, 2016

Comic News

DC’s Current Mega Comic Even Convergence Undoes It’s Previous Mega Event


In a reboot of a reboot, once DC’s Convergence event concludes, it is expected to undo one of its greatest crisis: Crisis on Infinite Earth. So DC is basically going back to square one and having multiple multiverses. All the universes that existed before DC rebooted is apparently returning. And those stories exist in continuity. And how is DC doing this? It involves Brainiac, a planet, and comic book craziness. That’s how. You can read the spoilers here.

In my opinion, this brings great potential to DC as their comics has been, well, lacking. I absolutely hate DC 52. Hate. If this brings back the good bombastic stories, then I am for it. While I am a Marvel fanatic, DC has some great timeless stories. I cannot wait to see what the future of DC looks like. Hopefully no more grim dark.


Christopher Nolan on Superman and Batman

From the Los Angles Times Blog, Christopher Nolan updates us on DC comics two flagship titles: Superman and Batman. As previously rumoured, Nolan now confirms his involvement with the Man of Steel. Some highlights from the article includes:

  • Nolan has a “fantastic story” and they feel that they can do it right.
  • Batman and Superman will exists in their own separate world. From the article:  “A lot of people have approached Superman in a lot of different ways. I only know the way that has worked for us that’s what I know how to do,” Nolan said, emphasizing the idea that Batman exists in a world where he is the only superhero and a similar approach to the Man of Steel would assure the integrity needed for the film. “Each serves to the internal logic of the story. They have nothing to do with each other.””
  • David Goyer, previous collaborator of the Batman films with Nolan, is writing the Superman movie.
  • No director as of yet. Nolan will serve as a mentor to the Superman film
  • Regarding Batman. From the article: “And that third Batman film? Jonathan Nolan is “now doing the hard work” of writing the script based on the story by his sibling and Goyer. “My brother is writing a script for me and we’ll wait to see how it turns out…. He’s struggling to put it together into the epic story that you want it to be.”’
  • He won’t have Mr. Freeze as a villain. Sorry Arnold. You’re out.

There’s more tidbits from the article including info on Inception. Check it out:


Nolans involved with the rest of DC Comic’s Prop?

Interesting rumor from the world of Hollywood rumors. It seems like both the Nolan brothers may be involved in the resurgence of the DC Comics movie properties. Christopher Nolan may be mentoring the next several DC movies which includes The Flash and Green Lantern while his brother (and co-writer for the current Batman franchise) is in line to direct the next Superman movie entitled Man of Steel. This will all lead to a Justice League movie to be directed by Chris Nolan. DC is taking a similar approach to what Marvel Studios is doing with their films in which there is a cohesive universe all leading to a formation of a team. And it’s a good thing since DC has some great properties that need to be filmed.
