Comic Book News, Film News

Batman Gets A Taste Of Bad Blood In This New Animated Trailer


What did you do this time, Bruce?

DC has released an inside look at Batman’s next animated adventure, titled Batman: Bad Blood. Check it out below:

The sequel to Batman vs. Robin and part of the DC Animated Movie Universe, Batman: Bad Blood focuses on the disappearance of Bruce Wayne. It is up to Alfred and the rest of the Bat-family to investigate his abrupt departure and cover Gotham in his absence. However, they are not the only one on the case. A new player emerges and changes the course of the investigation: Batwoman.

Video Game News

The Dark Knight Movie Batsuit To Appear In Batman: Arkham Knight


More Batman madness! It looks like a version of the Batman suit worn by Christian Bale in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Trilogy will be appearing before end of the year as a DLC. The source comes from Rock Steady Studio themselves via Sefton Hill’s twitter:

The studio is apparently gauging fan’s interest as to what suit will be appearing: the Batman Begins panther like one, or the more tech armor The Dark Knight suit. I am personally a fan of the Batman Begins suit because it’s more streamlined and simple.

Comic Book News

Celebrate Batman At Barnes and Noble On September 26th!


Barnes and Noble is celebrating “Batman Day” alongside DC Comics on September 26th! To honor all things Batman, Barnes and Noble will  offer discounts and special events for fans of the cape crusader. Details are below:

Participating stores will offer customers 20% off a selection of the most in-demand Batman graphic novels and DVDs throughout the day. The offer includes graphic novels like Batman: The Killing Joke by Alan Moore, Batgirl Vol. 1: The Batgirl of Burnside (The New 52) by Brenden Fletcher, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, and so much more, plus DVDs including The Dark Knight, TheDark Knight Rises, Batman Begins, Batman Returns, and others.

Plus, Barnes & Noble customers will get a free Batman Endgame Special Edition #1 comic book with a Barnes & Noble exclusive variant cover, while supplies last, also available on NOOK®. Customers can enter for a chance to win up to three exclusive Batman Day prints by Sean Murphy that will be given away in stores nationwide. Customers should contact their local store for details.

In addition, on Batman Day, customers can enter to win a diamond-edition DC Collectibles Batman action figure from Jim Lee, with a hand-numbered unique sketch and signature, and with a total retail value of $1,500. Customers can enter to win on September 26 only and find out more details in-store or online by visiting on Batman Day.

Other activities in the brick and mortar stores will include cosplay, Batman drawings, trivia contests, and special guests appearing in some select stores including Sean Murphy at the Park Slope, NY, store, Jim Lee at the Grove in Los Angeles and Tim Seeley at the Old Orchard location in Chicago. Customers should contact their local Barnes & Noble store for more activity and event details.

It will be a good day to be The Bat at Barnes and Noble on September 26th.

Comic Book News

Bill Finger To Be Finally Credited For Helping Create Batman!!!


Bob Kane can eat my bat mobile because Bill Finger is finally, after almost 75 years, going to be credited for helping create one of the most famous super heroes in DC: Spider-Man. Er, I mean, Batman. This guy:


According  to a press release given exclusively to the Hollywood Reporter, DC will do its best to make amends:

DC Entertainment and the family of Bill Finger are pleased to announce that they have reached an agreement that recognizes Mr. Finger’s significant contributions to the Batman family of characters.  “Bill Finger was instrumental in developing many of the key creative elements that enrich the Batman universe, and we look forward to building on our acknowledgement of his significant role in DC Comics’ history,” stated Diane Nelson, President of DC Entertainment.  “As part of our acknowledgement of those contributions,” Nelson continued, “we are pleased to confirm today that Bill Finger will be receiving credit in the Warner Bros. television series Gotham beginning later this season, and in the forthcoming motion picture Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.”

Gotham returns to Fox Sept. 21 at 8pm. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released Mar. 23, 2016.

For those of you who don’t know, Bill Finger was responsible for a many of Batman’s most famous and vital mythos, including giving him an alter ego, creating Catwoman, Robin, Gotham, and the Joker, the most famous of the cape crusader’s villains. Finger also co-created Green Lantern. But he never received any credit for his contributions to Batman, with all of it going to Bob Kane. Kane himself even admitted the importance of Finger’s contributions:

Although Kane received sole official credit for the character as part of the original deal signed in 1939, the artist talked in later life about Finger being an important influence on the development of the series. In his 1989 autobiography Batman and Me, Kane described Finger as “a contributing force” on the series, noting “I must admit that Bill never received the fame and recognition he deserved.”

I’ve heard that Kane even went so far as to discredit Finger on several occasions. Just do a quick Google search and you’ll find many more of Kane’s unprofessional antics.

Here is a quick funny comic about what Batman would be like without Finger:


Comic News, Film News

Who Is The Brainiac In Justice Leauge? Well, Maybe Brainiac.


Devin over at  has an interesting behind the scenes look at the tumultuous state of affairs in regards to the sequel to Man of Steel and the upcoming Justice League. According his sources, Brainiac will be the villain for the DC superhero team up. What is interesting to note is that sources told him and El Mayimbe from that Brainiac was the original chosen villain for the sequel to Man of Steel, which, much like Pacific Rim 2, is now put on indefinite hold:

It was [Man Of Steel’s] underperformance that led Warner Bros to scrap sequel plans and instead shove Batman into the next Superman movie, giving us Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice* rather than Man of Steel 2. Rumors have been flying – rumors I have heard as well – that Superman’s solo movies are essentially dead, that WB doesn’t want to give the Big Boy Scout another movie until they have established the entire DC Movieverse.

According to Mayimbe the sequel [to Man of Steel] would see Brainiac arriving on Earth, looking not for Superman but his cousin, Kara Zor-El, Supergirl. She was actually set up in a prequel comic that DC released that we were told was canon; in it Kara was a member of the Kryptonian ‘Explorer’s Guild,’ who had been tasked with terraforming worlds. That means she might have been out in space when the cataclysm befell Krypton.

According to HH Man of Steel 2 was always going to be a split-hero affair, but in this case it was going to spend a lot of time on Supergirl. She would get about half the screen time, and over the course of the film Brainiac would create Bizarro to hunt her down. That means Man of Steel 2 would have Supergirl, Brainiac and Bizarro – quite the Silver Age line-up. Whose neck would get snapped this time?

I trust El Mayimbe’s sources, but I suspect that a lot of this stuff is scrapped now, especially as every whisper I hear about Justice League contains the word ‘Brainiac.’ I suspect elements of this story were cannibalized for the eventual team-up as well as BvS, whose main physical threat is, I believe, a cross between traditional Bizarro and another well-known Superman villain**

Interesante how Warner Bros just ditched Superman in favor of more Batman focused film in Batman Vs. Superman: Screw You Kal El (not actual title). It seems that Warner Bros really have no clue how to make an honest good Superman film. What a pity.

Comic News, Film News

Batman Pushing Aside Superman?


There are whispers and hints which have been circulating for quite some time regarding the focus of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (actual title). Will the time be spread equally between Supes and Bats? Or will one character have more attention? While not a direct sequel to Man of Steel, Warner Bros had assured us in the past that Supeman would get as much focus as Batman (even though Bats got top billing). In fact, there have been statements that the movie directly ties with Man of Steel and will handle its consequences, implying a Superman heavy narrative. However, things may have changed.

Heroic Hollywood  has an interesting scoop, stating that their sources are hinting that Warner Bros want more Batman in the film because of how great Ben Affleck is portraying the costumed vigilante:

“The latest hot rumor I am hearing is that Warners is requesting more Batman be put into the movie and less Superman.  Supposedly, Ben Affleck’s Batman is so good that he is blowing Henry Cavill’s Superman right off the screen.

Like it or not, Batman has become the crown jewel of the DC Universe. Look at what is going in the video-game space with the Arkham series, or the fast-tracked Batman Lego movie spin off.  Let alone the upcoming Suicide Squad is all Batman villains/characters. It is apparent how much more valuable the Dark Knight currently is than Superman.

With Ben Affleck riding high off of Argo and Gone Girl, he is one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. So it only makes sense Warners would want more of the potent combination of him and the Batman.”

What is interesting (and confirms this focusing shift on Bats) is the fact that Warner Bros has already announced the next few Batman films with Affleck directing and starring, but is still dragging their feet with the Man of Steel sequel, which still does not have a director, a screen writer, or a solid release date. In fact, it is put on definite hold, if rumors are to be believed. This bodes poorly for Henry Cavill’s Superman, who had potential but is now looking to be a side character in his own follow up movie. Warner Bros seems to have no clue in how to handle Superman. It is as if they are ashamed of his comic book roots, re-configuring him into a dark and grim character, which goes against his usual hopeful and idealistic demeanor. If this rumor is true, then it is a shame because Supeman is an amazing character. He just needs a competent creative team.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice drops in theaters on March 25, 2016

Sad News

Batman has Fallen: Lenny B. Robinson Killed In A Car Collision


Lenny B. Robinson, who many remember as the wealthy businessman who would dress up as Batman and visited sick children, was struck by a car on Interstate 70 Sunday night near Hagerstown, Md., after his custom Lamborghini Batmobile broke down. The car stalled partially in the fast lane and Robinson went out to check it. A driver in a Toyota Camry struck Robinson’s vehicle, which in turn struck Robinson. He was declared dead at the scene. No files has been charged. Regardless, the world lost a true hero.

Robinson, 51 years of age, loved to give. He made money in the cleaning business and used it to give back to the community. He would visit cancer stricken children and entertain them and hand out gifts. He brightened up people’s day. And this was out of his own time and pocket. He participated in many local charity programs and was always the star due to his friendliness and kindness.

We lost a good person Sunday. He was actually one of the good guys. Instead of squandering his wealth, he used it to bring joy and happiness to many unfortunate children. We could all learn a lesson from his actions. I hope we do. I hope that his legacy lives on and someone takes the mantel.

Video Game News

Tim Burton’s Batman Coming to Arkham Knight


A new skin pack for the season pass holders of Batman: Arkham Knight is coming soon with Tim Burton’s batsuit and bat mobile and 2 new tracks. As you can see above, the skin is very well made, much better than some of other dlc/skins that was released. There is another skin pack also coming called the Bat Family:


Comic News, Film News

Batman The Killing Joke Announced As a DCAU Feature


Alan Moore and Brian Bolland’s critically acclaimed and influential Joker focused story “Batman: The Killing Joke”  is now being adapted to an animated feature, according to Bruce Timm. It will be released as a direct to video in 2016 and will b co-directed by Sam Lui.

The story shed light on Joker’s history and also changed the course of Batgirl. It is a brutal yet fascinating story of a mad deranged killer. It’s a great read.

DC Comics also confirmed that it will feature an all-new prologue, designed to add to the story.

DC also announced two more upcoming animated features.

“Batman: Bad Blood” — An original Batman story that features the introduction of Batwoman to the new line of animated films.

“Justice League vs. Titans” — Another original story and the first of the DC Universe Original Movies to feature the Teen Titans.